Elementi 是極簡主義風格的2022新款系列,設計概念為自然元素的呈現。
ELEMENTI 已在名稱上完整表達了設計概念,元素,包含了四種主要的自然元素,石材(陶板)、玻璃、鋁和木材。
The natural elements being represented by the 4 main materials of the project: stone (ceramic), glass, aluminum and wood.
Elementi 的獨特之處在於櫥櫃門的開啟系統,為廚房空間提供了功能和設計融合的解決方案,並傳達簡約的設計風格,不受一般廚具規則與材料的束縛,散發舒適且時尚氛圍。
The peculiarity of Elementi is the door’s opening system providing functional and aesthetic distinctive solutions for the kitchen space. The sign conveys the idea of a neat and essential arrangement, besides a relaxing feeling, free from the bondage of shapes and materials.
TIBETUS 為Snaidero研究及開發的橋型控制台,使用重量極輕的黑色陽極處理鋁條作為支架。可安裝不同配件和廚房工具、玻璃杯架、金屬掛勾於中島廚房上,同時也作為廚房照明。
Tibetus is fitted on the kitchen island: a technical and light-weight bridge console in black anodized aluminum, a product of snaidero research & development.
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